3 Tips to Prepare Your HVAC System for Fall

Fall decorations on the porch of a residential home.

Can you believe summer is almost over? The past few months flew by and the leaves are going to start changing soon. As the weather starts to cool down, it’s time to get your house ready for the new season.

Keep reading to find out how you can prepare your HVAC system for fall!

Replace Your Air Filters

Air filters become dirty and clogged over time, and since you were most likely using your AC all summer, it’s a good idea to replace your filters before you turn your AC off for the fall and winter. When you’re using your heat as the weather gets cold, make sure you change your furnace filters regularly as well. Clogged filters can prevent your HVAC system from working properly.

Clean Your Outdoor Unit

With fall comes a significant amount of leaves on the ground. If you have an outdoor unit, clear up any debris around the unit and make sure to stay on top of this throughout the season to pick up any leaves that are blocking it. You always want to make sure you keep any debris or leaves out of the unit’s coils to ensure sufficient airflow.

Schedule Seasonal Maintenance

Don’t wait until the last minute to schedule your seasonal HVAC tune-up because if you wait until there’s a problem, this could end up being more costly and your system won’t be operating at its peak when you need it the most. The last thing you want is your HVAC system to stop working in the middle of the night and you aren’t able to sleep because your house is at an uncomfortable temperature. Scheduling your seasonal maintenance appointment with Carter Comfort Systems will ensure you catch any issues early enough for them to be repaired to ensure a comfortable home all season long.

If you’re ready to schedule your seasonal HVAC tune-up, give us a call today at (208) 739-4181 or fill out our online contact form over on our website. We always want to make sure you’re comfortable in your home, no matter what time of year it is.